Published: 13 Dec 2024 65 views
To qualify for the Justice and Social Change Microscholarship, you must complete this four-part series of online programs located below about movements for justice and social change, and how to lead social change in your community.
The goal of this series is to increase your understanding and awareness of the need for justice of all kinds before you even arrive on campus. By the end of this series, you should feel knowledgeable and prepared to engage in constructive dialog around justice.
For each session, students must:
Students must complete all four sessions to qualify for the scholarship, and are expected to comply with Augustana's honor code. All segments and assignments located below must be completed by Jan. 6, 2025
A look at the theory and contemporary movements for justice, led by Dr. Gauri Pitale, Vice President for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion. Dr. Pitale discusses the importance of justice within the context of Augustana's mission and appreciation for all people.
Bias is within all of us, and it shapes our beliefs and our feelings about others. Dr. Pitale discusses bias and how to identify bias.
Led by Dr. Jason Mahn, Professor of Religion and Director of the Presidential Center for Faith and Leadership.
Dr. Mahn has been a professor at Augustana since 2008. He has published a number of scholarly articles about contemporary Christian theology and religious belief, suffering, vocation, secularism, and temptation and sin as well as two books: "Fortunate Fallibility: Kierkegaard and the Power of Sin" and "Becoming a Christian in Christendom: Radical Discipleship and the Way of the Cross in America's "Christian" Culture."
This session features four alumni who are engaged in social change and seeking justice for others. The alumni participants are:
The deadline for the microscholarship is Jan. 6, 2025. All recipients will be notified no later than Jan. 20, 2025.
For more details visit: Augustana College scholarship webpage
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